Director: David Yates
Writer: J.K. Rowling
Stars: Eddie Redmayne, Katherine Waterston, Alison Sudol
Plot: “Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them” an adventure movie directed by yates and rowling. In 1926, the magician Newt Scamander briefly stops in New York while on his way to Arizona. He meets Mary Lou Barebone, a non-Maj who runs the New Salem Philanthropic Society which states that witches and wizards are real and dangerous. When Newt listening speaking a Niffler magically expanded escapes his suitcase which houses many magical creatures. While trying to capture him Jacob Kowalski a Non-Maj factory worker mistakenly takes Newt suitcase. Aurora delayed by Tina Goldstein arresting Newt for being a magician unregistered and takes him to Macusa. Hoping to regain its previous position, however the president Seraphina Picquery and Percival Graves Auror dismiss the case. Jacob’s apartment, several creatures escape Newt suitcase.